Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A meetup with Gabriel on Mon to renew our passport cos we are going to Batam and Bintan in Dec!
Suppose to be this Thurs but theres too much obstacles and thus delayed~ It's okay as long as we get to go in the end. Heh quite excited (not the place) :p..

 Went to watch catching fire (the hunger game) after that, don't like the ending as it was like a sudden switch off of the DVD player =__= and theres still a part3. We were both shivering in the cinema!
For dinner, we went to Haji lane for the seesha of cos I didnt smoke but i did tried a puff and a half JUST for trying.

                                          I think my cooking taste better than their food..
 Hey you know what?
 We are getting bored.... so....
holy shit...
kk back to normal~
 Haha that was a makeup punishment for the loser who lost each game.
Overall~ I feel that it was a good day!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

It's Papa's Birthday yesterday! We went to AMK restaurant to eat the day before~ Thats when I know how scary my family appetite is... Order lotsssssss of food (like $600+?) and in the end some of them still mention that they aren't full. That's crazy. Yea the relationship between dad and I have been regained, I'm glad.

您的坚忍不拔和铮铮硬骨是我永远的榜样,我从您那儿汲取到奋发的力量, 走过挫折,迈向成功。一年一次你的日子我希望你能快快乐乐地度过每一天每一分每一秒!生日快乐!
                                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY KING!

                                                   Yay~ finally REDHEAD!
                                                   #Things to do in Grandma house. Massage.
Uncle playing candle with Ahhui